It's the Wednesday Thank God it's Almost Friday edition of Talking Dirty-And I have a secret to share with you.

Maximizing your fertility plan is not all that complicated. All you have to do is focus on some basic principles, and you can reduce the amount of fertilizer you use and grow better crops, whether it's in your garden or fields.

Here are four things you can do today to make your fertility program more effective-

1. Irrigation
Have a plan and design that works for the scale you grow at. Most growers I work with wish they had designed their irrigation first and beds or fields second.
2. pH Management
Regardless of the size, you grow at, and this can make or break your whole fertility plan making it ineffective if you're not paying attention to it. You would be better off not using fertilizer at all until you get pH managed first.
3. Use best management practices (BMP's) that work for your management style and farming system. Examples of BMP's are:
Mowing/grazing regularly
Reducing compaction
Keeping walkways, beds, and fields clear of debris
Disposing of infected debris appropriately
Harvesting in a timely fashion
Focus on 1 & 2
The list goes on & on
4. Not only get a soil test but invest in understanding what it means for your soil, crop choices, and your management style. Look beyond the graphs and pay attention to the numbers.

Effective and efficient fertility plans start before you even buy fertilizer or put a plant in the ground.