
I believe

healthy soil leads to healthy plants.

The Purpose

The Accidental Agronomist was started because I wanted to offer sensible and practical soil fertility advice for all types of growers.

Hi, I'm Monica, The Accidental Agronomist. I offer independent soil fertility recommendations, product sourcing, and ongoing support throughout your farm’s growing season. 

My mission- is to help you go beyond just getting a soil test to elevating your farm’s potential.

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i Believe In

an honest, unbiased approach to agronomic consulting.

The Real Story

My interest in farming began at an early age. I raised dairy cows for 4-H and, in high school, two Seeing Eye puppies. After high school, I studied at Delaware Valley University while helping my family on our farm, raising beef cows, goats, chickens, and market pumpkins.

This is all true and sounds good, but learn more about the real story behind how it all began.

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i Believe In

sound agronomic principles that lead to successful farming

My Services

I assist a variety of growers with soil fertility recommendations to maximize their crop production. I work one-on-one with growers to create custom fertility recommendations that meet that crop’s growing requirements. I also provide growers with written recommendations and ongoing support through emails, phone conversations, and site visits when possible. In addition to consulting, I provide educational support through presentations and workshops.

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